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MannaSim Script generator framework installation procedure

MannaSim framework

  • It is the Script generator used mainly for wireless sensor network research.
  • It was written in TCL and C++ for NS-2 network simulator. 
  • It is used for creating TCL scripts for the front-end activity done in MannaSim framework GUI.

MannaSim Installation: 

It can be installed in two ways: 
1. Installing Mannasim patch   (easier method)
2. Using Mannasim Source code

Method 1 - Installing Mannasim patch:

  • This is easier way for installing Mannsim; 
  • But, ensure that you didn't modify the ns-2 distribution files. At the time of writing this blog, the ns-2 distribution is with version 2.29.
Step 1: Click here to download ns-2.29 all-in-one package from ns site.
Step 2: Click here to download MannaSim Framework ns-2.29 patch.
Step 3: Type the following command on the ns-allinone-2.29 folder:
patch -p1 < file_name.diff
Step 4: Install ns-2.29 as usual typing ns-allinone-2.29 folder:

Method 2 - Using Mannasim Source Code:

Step 1: Download Manasim.tar.gz file
Step 2: untar the file by typing
tar zxvf manasim.tar.gz
Step 3: A new folder titles manasim with appear. copy that file and paste it in /home/usernname/ns2.35-allinone/ns.2.35/
Step 4: Open the mansim folder. Then, go to ns-modified-files folder. There you can find a few files.
Copy the files from the ns-modified-files/ to these locations:






Step 5:Then, go to /home/username/ns2.35-allinone/ns2.35
Then, type each command at terminal
$ ./configure

$ make

After installing and configuring using either of the methods above, to open the GUI, java is essential. So, to install java, run the following commands in terminal:
sudo apt-get install java
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk


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